Hi there, i'm Howl! I am primarily a writer, but i also work as a project manager\director ! I made partership with many other really great artists to create projects like: MIMIT (Mini Mice Tarot), MIMIT II Songs of the Myths, Relics of LIght and Dark West;
I also REALLY LOVE make games and worldbuildings, i've created the Systems and the Lore for OurChildren, About a World, The Witch Who Survived and Killing Chimera.
In the spare time i also love to write and poorly draw small Comics, currently i'm in the publication process of Lapy and GODCHAN;
I'm also one of the two heads of RED TREE STUDIO, together with my partner and lead artist, Ezd, and as a studio we focus on various indie projects.
Hope you will like what you find here!